Friday, 17 July 2020

COVID, medicine and the data collection

Most interesting work done by Professor John Fraser in collecting shareable medical data across the world for the response for COVID-19

Since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was identified in Australia on 25 January this year, an eerie pall has descended across the country. Shortly thereafter domestic borders were closed to all non-residents, non-essential services were closed down, and we were all introduced to the term ‘social distancing’. The action was swift, leading to significant volatility in financial markets and the introduction of a raft of government economic support measures.

However, what most people are unaware of is the quantum change that has taken place with how society approaches a pandemic.

Dr John Fraser, professor at Prince Charles Hospital’s faculty of medicine at The University of Queensland, explained to Investment Magazine the dilemma posed to medical professionals in offering treatment to a new pandemic. In recognising the inherent information asymmetry when studying the virus locally, Fraser helped devise the Critical Care Consortium, a collaboration between 350 hospitals in 49 countries to collate, analyse and understand COVID-19 patient data.