We were woken up in the middle of Thursday night by the building shaking. The newspapers told us later it occured at 1.45am. It went on for longer than the other small shakes I had felt previously. Was it real? I heard glass rattling in our bedroom and I couldn't say what it could be, the glass doors?, but it did indicate the building was definitely shaking and that it was not my imagination. The crows from Nature Park next door were shaken out of their trees because a lot of them awoke and started screaming around.
I didn't want Nathan to awake. He didn't wake up.
I spoke to Mama on the new phone. She said she hadn't thought of me in Tokyo when she heard about the earthquake.
On Friday morning we felt some aftershocks, Nathan woke up and went downstairs to check if Uncle Jon was still around and was ok. We worried about him immediately but he didn't seem to have noticed it.
This was my 4th quake.
This was my 4th quake.