Tuesday, 17 June 2008


You would have gathered by now, my main source of Japanese culture is the TV. N woke up early so we watched Children's TV during breakfast. It is quite different from Playschool. Anyway, the toddlers programs was followed by school age programs. This one was about snails.

It was fascinating, both Nathan and I was transfixed. For 1/2 an hour we watched a snail close up. We could see each segment on its skin. We saw how it ate while it moved around, watched how its mouth moving and muscles keep moving. How it came out of its shell - it seemed like it turned itself inside out when it retreated. How the snail wakes at night to continue foraging. How a small baby snail with a translucent shell could move from one leaf to the other, stretching itself and feeling for the next leaf with its feelers. How it wrapped its body around a stick as it climbed upward. How it shat. I was getting educated myself.

Nathan said "its not scary" - and he was right. After getting to know the snail, I wasn't squirmish about them.