Friday, 27 March 2009

The contented baby book

For those with an 8 week old child, this is what Gina Ford prescribes you should do:

7.00am Baby should be awake, nappy changed and feeding no later than 7am
8.00am You should have cereal, toast and a drink no later than 8am
8.50am Check nappy and close curtains
9.00am Settle drowsy baby, half swaddled and in the dark no later than 9am. Wash and sterilise all bottles.
9.45am Open curtains and unswaddle baby
10.45am Give 20 minutes on the first breast and 10-15 minutes from the second. Do not feed after 11.30am as this will put him off next feed
11.55am Put baby down for sleep in darkened room, half swaddled
12.00pm Baby needs nap of no longer than 2 hours
2.15pm Open curtains to allow baby to wake naturally. Change nappy. Give 20 minutes from the breast he was last fed on, then 10-15 minutes on the other breast while you drink a large glass of water. It is very important that he is fully awake now until 4.45am so that he goes down well at 7pm
4.15pm Offer baby cool boiled water or diluted juice and put down for a nap at 4.45pm
5.00pm Baby must be fully awake if you want him to sleep at 7pm
5.30pm Baby should be allowed to kick without a nappy while you prepare for a bath and bedtime
Must start bath no later than 5.45pm and be massaged and dressed by 6.15pm
6.15pm Feed in nursery with dim lights and no talking or eye contact
7.00pm Settle drowsy baby
8.00pm Rest and have a good meal before the next feed or expressing
10.30pm Switch on lights and give baby 20 minutes on first breast and change nappy. Dim lights and give 20 minutes on second breast or remainder of bottle feed.

Would you use it?