Monday, 11 November 2013
Hints on upbringing
It is very hard to give due education to a single child, for a child needs the company of others his own age. Never take a child to motion pictures or the theatre.
Do not carry a child in your arms for any length of time; he must move.
Do not help a child who is in a difficult situation unless it be dangerous; he must learn to care for himself. If you are ill, upset or unhappy, do not let the child feel it.
Never whip, kick, or spit on a child.
Parents and elders should agree on what is allowed to and forbidden to children. It is bad to have one parent allow what the other forbids
A well-balanced routine makes a child grow healthy and accustoms him to organized social life.
Teach a child to work for others.
Understand and take part in a child’s happiness and sorrow, and he will come to you when he needs you. Do not disturb a child while he plays, or he will disturb you while you work.
If a child is annoyed with a toy, take it away and give it to him after he has forgotten his grievance.
Be careful of any trifle which a child considers a toy, even though it may only be a piece of wood or a stone.
Not everything you see in the toyshop is a good toy. Before buying a toy, see if you have anything in the house which will serve the same purpose.
Never forbid a child to play with other healthy children.
Do not tell stories to a child before he goes to sleep, for you will disturb him with new impressions.
Do not awaken a child without need when he should be sleeping.
Fresh air is as necessary in a child’s room in winter as in summer.
A child should be given a chance to urinate before and after sleeping.
Do not allow a child to stay up later than eight o’clock in the evening.
Sleep for a child under three years of age is as necessary during the day as during the night.
Each child must sleep in an individual bed; and each bed must consist of a hair mattress, an oilcloth, a pillow, blankets and sheets.
A child must spend between three and four hours outdoors each day, and, if he is old enough, he should walk during that time.