Tuesday, 4 November 2014

The Malay bible

Title: April 2008 - The Bahasa Malaysia Bible Date: 01-Apr-2008 Description: By Christopher Cheah

The Bible Society of Malaysia put up a special exhibition on the Bible in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of Merdeka. Entitled “Celebrating God’s Word at Work in Malaysia” it showcased the history of the translation of the scriptures into the Malay language and the languages of many of the indigenous communities of our country. Originally this was intended to be a brief report on the exhibition. But reading the brief history of the translation of God’s Word into Bahasa Malaysia it was not only an eye-opener to some interesting facts but also relevant to recent issues concerning the use of the Christian scriptures in Bahasa Malaysia.

The account below of the history of the translation is based on the paper “Malay Bible Translation: What’s In Store For Malaysian Churches” by Dr. Daud Soesilo, the Translations Coordinator for the Asia Pacific region with the United Bible Societies, excerpts of which were printed in the newsletter of the Bible Society of Malaysia (Issues 1-3, 2007).

Early History
It would be surprising to many of us to know that a copy of the Gospel of Matthew was translated into Malay before Chinese, Tamil or Tagalog versions became available. The text was completed in 1612, a year after the King James Version was released! But it was printed only in 1629. Another fact to note is that this translation is the very first non-European translation of a Bible portion.

It was translated by a Dutch tradesman named Albert Cornelisz Ruyl. An original printed copy of this Gospel of Matthew can be found at the Public Library of Stuttgart, Germany. Its title is: Iang Testamentum Baharu: Evangelium Mulkadus Bersuratnja Kepada Mattheum. It is of interest to note the instinct shown here to make the Word of God available to the native language of the people, rather than require them to learn another language in order to hear the good news.

Ruyl continued to translate with the help of others. Their edition of the four Gospels and Acts was printed in 1651, followed by the Psalms a year later. By 1668 the first complete Malay New Testament was produced through the work of Rev. Daniel Brouwerious. But this translation suffered from the excessive use of Portuguese loan words, which was not the best kind of translation.

The First Foundations It was only in the 18th Century that a real beginning took place in translating the whole Bible into Malay. Melchior Leijdecker, a Dutch medical doctor with theological training based in Batavia (Jakarta today), produced the whole Bible in Malay in 1733. It was entitled Elkitab, Ija itu segala Surat Perdjandjian Lama dan Baharuw, and was printed in Roman script in Amsterdam. Twenty-five years later a five-volume Malay Bible in Jawi script was published in 1758.

Leijdecker’s Malay Bible was extensively revised in the 19th Century by translators based in what is now Indonesia and Peninsular Malaysia. But another translation effort was being undertaken by a Dutch Mennonite missionary by the name of Cornelius Klinkert. This translation was in the low Malay of Semarang, Central Java. By 1879 the full Bible in this Malay language was completed, and constituted the second major step in the process of translating the Bible into the Malay language.

It was during this period of the 19th and early 20th Century that William Girdlestone Shellabear, Methodist missionary based in Singapore, took up the translation project. His was the first Malay Bible translation in the language that was used in the Peninsular, rather than in Indonesian Malay. He is also remembered for the New Testament in Baba Malay.

In the 1930s other efforts were made at new translations to replace these three translations of the Malay Bible. But it was not until 1974 that the “New Translation” (INT) was published, called Terjemahan Baru, the first truly ecumenical Indonesian Bible. This followed the “formal equivalence” method of translation that retained the form of the original languages.

The Evolution of the BM Alkitab
The INT was also used by Malaysian churches, but “it was eventually realized that a truly Malaysian Bible translation was needed to communicate the Good News accurately, without confusion and misunderstanding brought about by the subtle differences between Indonesian and Malay”.
At the same time there was an effort to translate the Bible in common Bahasa Malaysia. This was mainly “the labour of love” of another Methodist pastor, Rev. Elkanah T. Suwito, from an Indonesia background. His translation was based on the dynamic/functional equivalence method that emphasized conveying the meaning of the original languages rather then retaining the form.

The New Testament was published in 1974, the Perjanjian Baru: Berita Baik Untuk Manusia Moden. And the full Bahasa Malaysia Bible was published in 1987, the Alkitab: Berita Baik Untuk Manusia Moden (TMV).
Soon after its publication it was thought necessary to revise it to correct certain deficiencies of spelling, use of Indonesian rather than Malay words, mistranslations and the likes. This was done by a team of revisers, a number of reviewers and readers, even a stylist to ensure that the language style was readable and acceptable to all Malaysians.

The revision project enlisted the help of many, including language specialists, academic personnel, the seminaries and numerous BM speaking lay persons and teachers. Thus it was that the revised Alkitab Berita Baik (TMV96) was published towards the end of 1996.
One of the issues of relevance to us today was the use of the word “Allah” in the translations. In 1985, and again in 1989, the Heads of Churches decided for the use of the word. This was based on scholarly and historical grounds.

The Arabic loanword “Allah” is the cognate of the Hebrew names of God – ‘El’, ‘Elohim’, ‘Eloah’.

Arab Christians before Islam had been praying to Allah, and this word was used by Christian theologians writing in Arabic.

“Allah” is the name of God in the old as well as modern Arabic Bible.

The word had been used continuously in the Malay translations from the first printed edition of Matthew’s Gospel by Ruyl (1629), the first and second complete Bible by Leijdecker (1733) and Klinkert (1879) and other translations since then.

Today Bahasa Malaysia is widely used in our society and by Christian communities in the Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak. For a great many, BM is the language of their education and communication. For these Christians they read, study and hear God’s Word primarily in Bahasa Malaysia. Pastors preach and teach from their study of the Alkitab. The use of Bahasa Malaysia is thus indispensable to their religious/spiritual life and to the practice of their faith.

In this respect, the Bible Society of Malaysia believes it is time to produce another translation of the Bible in Bahasa Malaysia. The Alkitab Berita Baik took the dynamic/functional equivalence approach. This new version would take the formal equivalence method following more closely the original languages. In providing
another version it would complement and supplement the dynamic translation, thus affording a greater understanding of the meaning of scripture. This would provide a richer understanding and facilitate a deeper study of God’s Word.

For the many Christians for whom BM is the language of understanding and communication it is essential that they are able to worship God, hear Him speak, learn of him in the language of their mind and heart.

- See more at: http://www.cornerstone.com.my/methodistchurch/newsmaster.cfm?&menuid=6&action=view&retrieveid=221#sthash.kFz0qAsR.dpuf

Timeline - the history, and banning/restriction, of the use of the word "Allah" and/or the use of the Bible in Bahasa Malaysia/Bahasa Indonesia in Malaysia.
Written in Malay, The Kitab salat as-sawai of Christian catechisms.
The Kitab salat as-sawai was published.
The Gospel of Matthew was translated into Malay by a Dutch tradesman, Albert Cornelisz Ruyl.
A. C. Ruyl translated the Gospel/Injil of Matthew into Bahasa Melayu.
‘Allah’ was used in the following example: “maka angkou memerin’ja nama Emanuel artin’ja Allahu (the Greek word THEOS) serta segala kita” (Matt. 1:23)
Malay-Latin Dictionary was printed in Rome (The Dictionarium Malaicum- Latinm and Latinum-Malaicum). n Alla, vel alla-te-alla Deus.
Van Hasel’s translation: Luke and John ( surviving copies in the libraries of the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and the University of Cambridge, UK.
The translation of Genesis by D. Brouwerius.
Translation of the Book of Genesis by M. Leijdecker.
“Pada mulanja dedjadikanlah Allah akan swarga dan dunja.” (Gen. 1:1). This is the first complete Malay Bible containing the word ‘Allah’ for God.
Translation of the Bible (Book of Isaiah) in Malay by H.C. Klinkert “Bahwa-sanja Allah djoega salamatkoe.” (Isaiah 12:2).
This is the second complete Malay Bible.
(1890)Kebaktian Sa’hari Harian “Ia Elkhadir dan kakal Allah”
(1895) Christian Doctrine : Pengajaran Mesehi Terpendek “Saval: Siapa sudah jadikan kami?
Jawab: Allah Taala
Saval: Brapa ada Allah?

Jawab: Satu sahja, dan tida buleh ada lebeh sari satu Allah”
Kitab Sembahyang Dalam Gereja (Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the Malay Language) published by Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) London.
Translation of the New Testament in Malay by W.A.Bode.
Translation of the Gospel/Injil of John.
“Maka pada awal pertama adalah Firman, dan Firman itu bersama-sama dengan Allah”. (John 1:1)
The Alkitab was banned Absolutely by order under the Internal Security (Prohibition of Publications) (No. 3) Order made on 2nd December 1981 (KHEDN : 0 59/3/9/Jld 4; PN (PU2) 24 pt. 11).
“The printing, publication, sale, issue, circulation or possession of the publication which are described in the Schedule and prejudicial to the national interest and security of the Federation are prohibited absolutely throughout Malaysia.”
The Alkitab was banned by order under the Internal Security (Prohibition of Publications) (No. 4) Order made on 22nd March 1982 (KHEDN: 0 59/3/9/A; PN (PU2) 24 Pt. 11).
“The printing, publication, sale, issue, circulation or possession of the publication which are described in the Schedule and prejudicial to the national interest and security of the Federation are prohibited, subject to the condition that this prohibition shall not apply to the possession or use in Churches of such publication by persons, professing the Christian religion, throughout Malaysia.”
Perintah Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (Tegahan mengenai penerbitan) (No. 3) Order made on 4th May 1983.
“Perjanjian Baru” ditegah dan tertakluk pada syarat bahawa tegahan ini tidak dikenakan kepada pemilik dan penggunaan suratan itu di dalam gereja oleh Kristian diseluruh Malaysia dengan alasan “memudarat kepada kepentingan negara dan keselamatan Persekutuan. (KHEDN, O, 59/3/9/A; PN (PU2) 24 Pt. II)
1985/ 1989
Heads of Malaysian Churches met in Kuala Lumpur (1985) and Kuching (1989) where there was a unanimous decision to keep the name “Allah” and the Bible Society of Malaysia was honoured with this decision when it published the revised Malay Bible, the Alkitab Berita Baik (1996).
See the Kuching Declaration entitled “An Affirmation to the Churches in Malaysia” (September 1989) which was revised and re-issued as “A Declaration To the Churches in Malaysia (30th January 2008).
Circular letter was sent to all Christian publishers from the publication control division of the Kementerian Dalam Negeri. 4 words were prohibited from being used in Christian publications: Allah, Kaabah, Baitullah and Solat. The aim of this prohibition was to prevent any misunderstanding between Muslims and Christians.
(Letter KDN : S.59/3/9/A Klt. 2 ( 17 ) and dated 5 December 1986).
Selangor Enactment No. 1 of 1988 i.e. Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Amongst Muslims) Enactment, 1988 in Schedule 1 (Section 9) stated a list of 25 words which are not to be used pertaining to a non-Islamic religion. Among the words are: Allah, Firman Allah, Ibadah, Kaaba, Wahyu, Mubaligh, Rasul, Iman, Salat, Imam, and Nabi.
Other states with similar enactments are: Terengganu (1980), Kelantan, Perlis, Kedah, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor.
Enakmen Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam 1992 (Enakmen no.13, 1992) - Sabah fatwa prohibits the use of 32 words by non-Muslims in their teaching or the advancement of their teaching. Among the 32 words are: Allah, Firman Allah,Ibadah, Wahyu, Mubaligh, Iman, Rasul, Solat, Imam, Nabi and Injil. This was published in the Sabah State Government Gazette on 1st June 2003.
The first letter to Herald from KDN an admonition not to use the word ALLAH.
The second letter to Herald a show-cause letter to be answered within 14 days. Subsequently through appeal and representation to the Cabinet, Herald was granted the use of the word ALLAH in its publication.
Letter from Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri allowed Christian publications to be distributed with condition that the front page has a “cross” containing the words “Penerbitan Kristian” (“A Christian Publication). The aim of the condition was to prevent confusion among the Muslims in Malaysia.
Letter dated 22nd December 2005.

Letter from Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri allowed the publication of Bible in Bahasa Melayu edition in Malaysia with the condition that it is stamped with the “cross” and the words “Untuk Penganut Beragama Kristian” and that the BM Bible is allowed to be sold only in Christian premises or shops. The aim of the decision was to prevent the confusion of the Muslims in Malaysia.
Letter dated 11th May 2006.
Letters from the Home Ministry to the Herald : The third letter a reprimand.
The fourth letter
a warning (January).
The fifth letter
another warning (February).
Home Minister sets condition against the use of the word “Allah” on the Catholic weekly “Herald” in renewing their publication licence. The Herald seeks redress through the courts against the power of the Home Minister to set conditions on the use of the “Allah” word.
The sixth letter to Herald a show-cause letter. The Herald files a Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim on 5th Dec 2007. An application for judicial review on the above condition.
2007 2008
Customs officers and Home Ministry officials detained the Alkitab at ports of entry and confiscated the publications, Sunday School children’s books and CDs. This has led to Sidang Injil Borneo (in Dec 2007). Jill Ireland binti Lawrence Bill (in July 2008) initiating a judicial review against the power of the Home Minister.
Application for the Judicial Review for Herald 2009 permit condition was filed.
Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (1960) (Larangan Pengunaan Perkataan Tertentu Pada Dokumen dan Penerbitan) 2009, dated 16th Feb 2009.
Dec 2009
Herald won the case against the power of the Home Minister to set conditions on the use of the word “Allah” in the Herald publication. Judgment handed down on 31st Dec 2009. Government to appeal the High Court decision.
Jan 2010
Various Attacks on Church Jan 8th:
  • -  Metro Tabernacle, Desa Melawati, KL
  • -  Church of the Assumption, Jalan Templer, PJ, Selangor
  • -  Life Chapel, Section 17, PJ, Selangor
    Jan 9th :
- Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Jalan Othman, PJ, Selangor
Jan 10th:
  • -  All Saints Church, Taiping
  • -  SMK Convent, Taiping
  • -  Malacca Baptist Church, Durian Daun, Malacca
  • -  Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Miri, Sarawak
  • -  Brick thrown at surau in Kampung Jawa, Klang
    Jan 11th:
- Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) Seremban 2, Negeri Sembilan
Jan 13th:
- St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in Kota Tinggi, Johor
Jan 16th :
- Bottles thrown at mosque in Sarawak
Mar 2011
5000 Alkitab were detained in Kuching Port.
April 2011
Cabinet issued a 10-point solution
April 2011
CFM considered that the 10-point solution to be an ad hoc and short term solution to the two consignments of Alkitab which have been impounded at Port Klang and Port of Kuching.
CCM Youth rejected the 10-point solution. CCM Youth called upon all Christians to rally firmly behind their Christian leaders as they worked towards a resolution for the community.

May 2011
7th May - Utusan Malaysia has reported that some Christian group is plotting to turn Malaysia into a Christian State.
12th May - Christian leaders had lunch with PM. (Dinner was planned way before the Utusan issue). There was no pact, pledge or conspiracy.

“... in the context of discussing unity in the nation and the worrisome trend of wild rants by some segments causing disharmony and the Utusan fiasco, the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) chairman, Bishop Ng Moon Hing, basically reiterated the Christian stand of respecting the position of Islam, as stated in the constitution, and stressed the Church’s duty and desire to work with the government to maintain peace and harmony.” (Rev. Dr. Eu Hong Seng, NECF Chairman)
August 2011
3rd August 2011 - JAIS raid on Harapan Komuniti Thanksgiving Dinner 2011. DUMC issued two statements on 4th & 12th August, detailing the raid.
August 2011
24th August 2011. CCM welcomes the apology tendered by the Malay Language daily, “Sinar Harapan”, over its article “Matlamat Gerakan Kristian” (Objectives of the Christian Movement) which was published on 23rd August.
December 2012
Lim Guan Eng raised the issue in his Christmas 2012 message urging the federal government to lift its ban on the word published in the Malay language bibles shipped in to Sabah and Sarawak.
January 2013
The Sultan of the Malaysian State of Selangor, Sharafuddin Idris Shah, decreed that all non-Muslims in the state are banned from using the word ‘Allah’ as this is exclusive to Muslims.
February 28th 2013
Scheduled for Case Management but the date was vacated to March 14th 2013.
March 14th 2013
Case Management - The Court of Appeal here has fixed April 25th for further case management on the Government and Home Ministry's appeal against a 2010 High Court decision that the word "Allah" can be used by the Catholic weekly newspaper Herald.
The Court of Appeal has fixed May 8th to hear the appeals brought by seven parties including six Islamic religious councils and the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association against a High Court ruling in rejecting their application to
become intervenors in the church’s judicial review application at the High Court.
April 25th 2013
The Court of Appeal here has fixed May 30 for another case management. This is to enable the government and the Home Ministry to file their affidavit-in-reply in response to a further affidavit filed by the church.
May 8th 2013
The Court of Appeal questioned the propriety of the procedure adopted by the High Court in 2009, to simultaneously hear the Roman Catholic Church's judicial review application over the usage of the word 'Allah', and the Islamic religious councils' intervener applications.
A three-member panel led by Justice Datuk Seri Abu Samah Nordin ordered lawyers for the church, Islamic religious councils, Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association and senior federal counsel representing the government and home ministry to submit on that issue on May 23rd.
Also directed them to file their submissions on that issue, on or before May 16th. The government's appeal is scheduled for case management on May 30th.
May 30th 2013
Case management for government’s appeal.
July 2013
Kedah's decision to ban the use of the word "Allah" in non-Muslim holy books.
August 22nd 2013
The three-member of the Court of Appeal panel unanimously dismissed the Catholic Church’s application to strike out the government’s appeal. The next hearing is scheduled for September 10th.
September 10th
The Court Appeal hearing submissions from government lawyers, the Catholic Church and counsel representing Muslim groups. The Court of Appeal will
deliver its verdict on the ‘Allah’ issue next month.
October 14th 2013
Decision to be made by the Court of Appeal.
Source: Christian Federation of Malaysia Fact Sheet, May 16th, 2013
Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) Statement on Alkitab and Allah http://www.themalaymailonline.com/what-you-think/article/when-why-and-how-christians-use- the-word-allah-cfm#sthash.DNmov2xi.dpuf http://www.slideshare.net/sivinkit/chronology-on-allah-word-revised-march-2010-15900381 http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Authorities-again-stop-Catholics-from-using-the-word-Allah- 28808.html http://www.asianews.it/news-en/400-year-old-Malaysian-Latin-Dictionary:-proof-of-use-of-the- word-Allah-20573.html http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Christians-protest:-government-blocks-30-thousand-Bibles-in- Malay-21010.html http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Malaysia:-Christians-can-not-use-Allah-to-define-God- 22169.html http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/catholic-church-fails-to-strike-out- putrajayas-appeal-allah-appeal-to-proce http://www.themalaymailonline.com/what-you-think/article/when-why-and-how-christians-use- the-word-allah-cfm#sthash.DNmov2xi.dpuf
http://missionstudies.org/archive/asia/malaya.htm http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2013/09/09/check-on-jakims-handling-of- allah-issue/ http://news.malaysia.msn.com/malaysia-news/jakim-uses-friday-sermon-to-attack-non-muslims- over-use-of-allah http://www.malaysianbar.org.my/legal/general_news/kedahs_allah_ban_against_cabinet_decisio n.html http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/sideviews/article/the-allah-case-at-a-glance-part-1-bob-teoh http://www.christianpost.com/news/christians-banned-from-using-word-allah-in-arabic-by-new- fatwa-in-malaysia-88034/ http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/01/10/39851/#more-39851 http://www.cathnews.com/cathnews/61-archive/15227-malaysian-catholic-paper-loses-battle- over-allah-ban
http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/09/13/50058/#more-50058 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/09/12/50018/#more-50018 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/08/23/49473/#more-49473 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/45152/#more-45152 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/43198/#more-43198 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/42341/#more-42341 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/40142/#more-40142 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/08/22/49480/#more-49480 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/45152/#more-45152 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/04/26/45144/#more-45144 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/43198/#more-43198 http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/42341/#more-42341

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http://www.ucanews.com/story- archive/?post_name=/2010/01/26/%e2%80%98allah%e2%80%99-furore-leaves-sarawak- village-puzzled&post_id=51452 http://www.necf.org.my/newsmaster.cfm?&menuid=2&action=view&retrieveid=943 http://www.ucanews.com/story-archive/?post_name=/1989/09/27/christian-federation-of- malaysia-resolves-to-use-bahasa-malaysia&post_id=38615 http://www.ucanews.com/news/malaysias-galloping-islamization/68746 http://www.ucanews.com/news/malaysias-word-for-god-debate-rumbles-on-/68601 http://www.nst.com.my/mobile/latest/herald-april-25-fixed-for-case-management-of-govt-s- appeal-1.234731 http://www.nst.com.my/latest/herald-may-30-fixed-for-another-case-management-on-govt-s- appeal-1.264156 http://www.catholiclawyersmalaysia.org/news/interveners-allowed-be-heard-herald-allah-case http://www.nst.com.my/latest/herald-case-appeals-court-questions-procedure-propriety-1.274419 http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/herald-april-25-fixed-for-case-management-of-govt-s- appeal-1.234731#ixzz2fmQ4ENun
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