Monday, 23 November 2009

I *Heart* Johannesburg

Zoo Lake

Johannesburg is such a lovely city. It has a warm inclusive intelligent culture and a place I'd love a chance to live in. It would take a while to discover because of the crime rates, but hey what's good that's not worth some hardships?

  1. It has wonderfully temperate weather. It is on a plateau and therefore cooler in summer with lots of sunshine in winter than the surrounding areas.
  2. It has 10 million trees in it and I love trees.
  3. Its people are open, intelligent and considerate.
  4. The garbage collection services are called PIKI TUP.
  5. Even the cheesy bird park next to the Monte casino has the most fascinating birds and animals.
  6. It has Woolworths. It has a healthy very accessible organic market and eco friendly options. This company has soft connections with Marks and Spencer in the UK. Its products are similar in range, quality and style but a heck of a lot more affordable. Shopping!!
  7. It has beautiful settings for people to enjoy. Decent restaurants with children's entertainment. Shopping neighbourhoods with great playgrounds.
  8. Some people who do crazy things like walk along the highway, sell conveniences at traffic lights, slip alcohol to  buy on a Sunday. 
  9. Has a large and diverse population. A true multicultural city with people from all over Africa speaking in different languages (an average black African in Joburg speaks 3 languages and English to be able to communicate amongst themselves)