Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Retail Industry


Why would an industry do this? Or why would a country allow the industry to do this? What sort of statistics Are they compiling?

I was entering my bills as I do, and came to the gift purchase I bought at Singapore airport. In the receipt printed out for me, the following information came after the name and contact details of the shop.

SalesMan Code 101 asilah
Nationality 22
Sex F

Before the list of purchases, total, payment method, date and "Please Keep your receipt for Exchange!!! Thank You. Have a Nice Day"

Why would any retail outlet want to classify the nationality and sex of its staff on duty? Is it to study behaviour characteristics of their staff and to project future staffing criteria? How can a country allow such blatant racism and sexism?

I will certainly keep this receipt and scan it to include in this post.